Non-Feedstock Energy Use
Exajoules (EJ)Electricity (direct use)Green hydrogenBioenergyPurchased heat (steam)Fossil fuels with CCSFossil fuels without CCS

Historically, the majority of industrial sector energy use relies upon fossil fuel combustion. The various scenarios rely instead primarily on their respective energy sources, eliminating non-CCS fossil fuel combustion. Electricity is used more efficiently than combustible fuels for creating useful heat and conveying that heat to processed parts and materials. For instance, there are no energy losses in hot exhaust gases or formed water vapor. Total energy use declines in all scenarios except the one focusing on fossil fuel combustion with CCS for heat. When “Displace BAU bioenergy use” is not enabled, bioenergy use is retained in its original use cases, primarily the pulp and paper and wood and wood products industries. The most efficient strategy for minimizing non-feedstock energy use is the High Direct Electrification scenario.